Meet the Next St. Edward’s Sustainability Champion: Erin Ray

We’d like to introduce you to our next Sustainability Champion: Erin Ray! Every two weeks, we will be revealing more champions, so please visit the page and keep your eyes out in Horizon for the newest. Help us give a big thanks to Erin, and let her inspire you to become more sustainable!

Erin Ray, Academic Counselor: Your commitment to sustainability covers a wide range of causes and actions. Living in such close proximity to campus means that you walk to work as often as possible, and choosing to live in a small home allows you to keep your utilities in check. You’re aware of the impact that your everyday purchases can have on the environment, so you work hard to avoid needless consumption of things like food, clothing, etc. Giving “symbolic adoptions” from the World Wildlife Fund as gifts to your young nieces and nephews cultivates the next generation’s love and interest in animals and the planet. Even when it’s overwhelming or confusing, you educate yourself and stay informed of local, national, and global environmental issues and use that knowledge to vote and send messages to state and federal lawmakers considering legislation that impacts the environment. On top of all that, you’ve been a vegetarian for 17 years. Keep it up, Erin!