Anil James – Critique 1 Photos
Tyra Grant: Critique 1 Photos
Format: Standard. Add Media into the post.
Post Format: Standard. Add Media:>Create Gallery>Upload Files. Gallery Settings: Specify how many columns your gallery should be. Link to Attachment Page.
Post uploading images at time of post.
Elephant Logging Gallery drawn from Media Library
This text is written in the post above where the gallery is inserted. Read about the gallery:
This small gallery made by: Add Media>Insert Media>Create Gallery. You can then select the pictures you would like included. By clicking on one picture after the other, you can add information such as title and caption. By double clicking on the gallery icon while in the “Add New Post” area, you can edit the images or add more to the gallery. Just click on an individual image and click on the Edit button that appears in the column next to the image.
Elephant Logging 02
Here is another elephant logging. I’m writing this in the text field for this post. 01 had an empty text field. Now I’ll add a picture after I stop typing. I’m adding this one (and I added the picture to the 01 post) by taking a single image from the Media Library, to which I uploaded prior to having made these posts.