Archive | September 2016

Week Four Reflection

I am currently in the Unintuitive Maths LLC. With my groups project chosen wicked problem being health care I believe that I can tie math in with statistics about the amount of people in Austin that lack health care. And with that go into the whys of it. Is it a transportation issue? Or maybe the many that lack health care cannot afford it. Another way my 1321 course could tie into our group project would be through possibly the amount of medical facilities that are available in the Austin area and If they make it possible for the everyone to access them when in need.Image result for smiley face emoji

This entry was posted on September 26, 2016. 1 Comment

Austin CAN Presentation on September 12

The presentation given by Raul Alvarez was really informative. Raul went to Stanford for an accounting degree but due to the unavailability of that major he chose to pursue an engineering degree. He has been a former elected official for many big board corporations and deals a lot with the public policy in Austin.

It was interesting to hear him talk about the wicked problems that surround Austin. I found that extremely helpful as well because it allowed me to connect with my LLC class on a deeper level. It was also fun to hear about CAN’s 25 organizations, including health, transportation, government, education, business and workforce and many others. Alvarez also brought to light a lot of the issues that surround Austin and offered ways to solve the problems. He also provided a lot of information on the demographics of Austin and how those numbers changed and will continue to change in the coming years.

First blog!

Over the course of first two weeks of school, I find that the seminars have really helped in getting informed. I learned how to correctly set up my blog and how to work all of the features that come with it. Also got to pick a really cool theme! Getting to see everybody who is in the Wicked Problems LLC on Mondays was also really cool, I hadn’t realized that so many people where in taking the same courses. Another cool thing where the STEM seminars. It was really cool to get to hear from Michael L. Guerrero and Dr. Kopec about all the great opportunities that are out their for us to take advantage of. And to finish off, here is cute picture.bslrvi5imaa7br1

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This entry was posted on September 1, 2016. 1 Comment