Austin CAN Presentation on Sept 12

Personally, I found Raul Alvarez’s presentation interesting and at times, saddening. With all the statistics provided, it was easy to see that there are some things that we need to change in society. There were a lot of moments that I wanted to ask why things are as they are. What stood out to me the most was the chart that showed participation in the 2012 presidential election by race and ethnicity. It notes that there were more people that didn’t register to vote in the minority category than in the majority category. I believe that voting for our president, the person who is going to lead our county, is very important. And I would think that that would be something important to other people as well. The statistics are surprising. It makes me wonder, “why?” Why are Hispanic, Asian and Black voting turnouts significantly different than White/Other? What is the main reason that holds the minorities in the country back from showing up at the voting polls? After seeing this particular statistic, I’ve become very interested and curious in the matter.

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