Social Media in Public Relations

Today in my new weekly post I am going to talk to you about how much social media is important into the public relation world. Basically social media has been a huge impact in our lives since they exist. Social Media is a platform that individuals, businesses can represent themselves. It allows all communication to grow over space and time. What is great about social media is that it did not cost any or less money that advertising in order a brand for example. It does gather internal and external people at the same time. It also gather people together coming from different background.Helps to bridge the gaps between different cultures. Create an awareness about how people think and other societies are working. Through Social Media, the information is now available for us to use. Because of this new platform, Public Relation have to adapt to its environment and incorporate nowadays social medias into their planning. Public Relation now managed websites and check the statistics on the site and its vistor in real time. They Look into social networking such as Facebook or Twitter to help with costumer support and send relevant information. They help build the relationship with the people of its organization they are taking care of and manage their communication with their stakeholders. Public Relation via social media helps create a “brand experience” and build their credibility. They also use social media as a tool in case of crisis management.

I do believe that today Social Media has been using a lot by businesses because it is such a great platform and tool in order to keep in touch with internal and external people of the organization. It also very useful to keep in touch with client in order to make sure of their satisfaction or in case of problem they can manage it and try to find a solution as quick as possible. it is also very convenient for spreading your brand and make it build a community more quickly. It also very convenient for also international businesses to build on social networks because it help them keep in touch with other offices that they might have overseas. To keep an eye on!


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