Last blog post I talked about how beneficial Twitter is and how important it is to follow other people that are in the same industry as you. Today I am going to discuss how important it is to create a professional Twitter page for your business. The first thing someone sees when they go to someone’s Twitter page is their picture and brief description. In order to really catch their attention it is important to make sure you have a professional picture of you or your business and a relevant description of your business.
Julia Engel is a professional blogger who focuses on fashion and beauty. She uses her Twitter page to promote her blog and current fashions.
Her Twitter handle, as shown in the picture, is her blog name which gives her readers easy access to her work. One of the most important things in Twitter is having a username that is relevant to your business or brand. Most of the time people search for a business by their name and if your product doesn’t pop up on their search list, it is going to be very difficult for someone to follow you.
Once you have a Twitter name the next step is to add a profile picture and a background picture to your page. Since Andrea Whaley of Wardrobe Interventions has her own personal business I think it is important that she has a professional picture of her self as her profile picture so people can connect her face with her business. Another important part of your Twitter page is having a good background picture behind your profile page and description. People like to be entertained so having a fun but suitable background picture can really brighten up your page.
Andrea does a good job of having a good profile picture but could work on having a more fun and stylish background picture.
Since she is a stylist in the Austin area she could mix fashion and the city to create a unique background picture suitable for her and her business.
Another important step is creating a brief description outlining who you are and what you do. Most of the time this is the only information someone will get before they go to your business website so including personal information about yourself and business is essential.
Michael Kors does a good job in their description by promoting their brand and at the same time giving the reader an idea of what they sell.
I hope this gives you a better idea of what Twitter is all about and helps you make your Twitter page even better!