Healthy Truths

Because Your Health Matters.

Should I Skip This Meal?


There are many who are still avid about accomplishing their New Years resolution, which is losing weight. For others, Spring break is around the corner and they want that ideal beach body. It is a common myth that skipping meals will help you accomplish your weight goals. Many people do this to lessen the amount of calories that are put into the body. This post will help you understand the facts and give you tips to successfully lose desired weight.

Food provides your body with the proper protein and nutrients. When you do no eat, your body begins to stores fat to sustain energy needed for the day. The less food you eat, the slower your metabolism becomes (healthyfoodhouse).

It is important to eat all three meals. Breakfast is important because it gives you energy that is necessary for you to begin your day (Webmd). Sometimes it is hard to wake up in the morning, get ready for work, and make a breakfast. It is even harder when you have to care for other family members. A few fast options are a nutrition bar, a fruit smoothie, or a healthy bowl of cereal.

Lunch gives you the opportunity to re-energize your body (LiveStrong). Eating a small salad or sandwich can give you the energy needed to remain active until your next meal. A helpful tip is to prepare your lunch in advance. It helps if you make a grocery list the week before, to make sure you have what is needed. This prevents you from eating fast food restaurant and get off track of your diet.

Lastly, dinner is important because it gives your body the necessary nutrients for the remainder of the night (Fitday). People consider skipping dinner if it is too late. As previously said in an earlier post, weight gain is not caused by how late you eat, but how much food you intake. It is best to eat the appropriate amount of calories and limit your late night snacks.

It is important to know that losing weight is a process and should be done in the healthiest way. Exercising and a healthy diet is the best way to lose weight. There are many websites that give healthy food suggestions and recipes, such as Food Network, All Recipes, and Cooking Light. As for staying active, look to see what exercising classes your campus or local gym provide .

Remember that results will not happen overnight, so do not become defeated. Stay motivated and determined!

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