In a state where women of all ethnicities, backgrounds and ages are marginalized, sexualized and not heard 100% of the time it is up to us, women, to stand up for what women deserve. Unite For The Uterus aims to provide a place for women to be supported, educated and informed on issues that affect them directly. This group is not only for women, it is for those who advocate for women, and those who might need help understanding the issues. Unite For The Uterus is here to inform, advocate and spread hope.

Throughout this blog you will find various topics that affect women and girls worldwide. Each week Unite For The Uterus will feature a new controversial issue or simply an important topic that needs more attention brought to it. Some will directly deal with policy and legislation and what is happening with these issues. Topics planned to discuss are abortion, periods, intersectional feminism, birth control and more. If there are topics you would like to know more about, let us know within the comments! Our goal is to educate and inform in a fun and engaging way, with a goal for women’s equality at the forefront of our mission.

Some topics introduced on Unite For The Uterus may be unfamiliar to some, but one of our main goals is to educate. Our hope is for the State of the Uterus to be an open place for people to express ideas, concerns, questions and anything else that pertains to women in the world. We encourage discussion in order to broaden each other’s viewpoints and opinions. We strongly discourage all forms of malicious behavior and it will not be tolerated from our organization. Comments of such nature will be subject to deletion. We want this to be a informative, yet safe space for people of all backgrounds and perspectives.

Our organization doesn’t stop at this blog. We can also be found on Twitter and Instagram as @UFTUterus. On those platforms we hope to connect with other organizations who’s values encourage equal rights for women. We will also use Twitter and Instagram to announce our topics of the week, so be sure to keep an eye on those to know when we have new content coming your way!

The first topic of discussion will be the Women’s March which occurred on January 21st, 2017. The purpose of the march was to unify women of all backgrounds to come together in order for our voices to be combined into one loud roar. The roar was deafening and was one of the largest protests in United States history. It got many people involved and inspired work towards the goal of equality. More information on the march will be coming soon on our blog! We look forward to tackling these hard and controversial issues with the world, while opening up a dialogue to people from all walks of life and reminding the world what truly unites us. For now, be sure to follow our Twitter as we begin this journey of female empowerment!