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Alien species and evolution : The evolutionary ecology of exotic plants, animals, microbes, and interacting native species.
In Alien Species and Evolution, biologist George W. Cox reviews and synthesizes emerging information on the evolutionary changes that occur in plants, animals, and microbial organisms when they colonize new geographical areas, and on the evolutionary responses of the native species with which alien species interact. The book is broad in scope, exploring information across a wide variety of taxonomic groups, trophic levels, and geographic areas. It examines theoretical topics related to rapid evolutionary change and supports the emerging concept that species introduced to new physical and biotic environments are particularly prone to rapid evolution. The author draws on examples from all parts of the world and all major ecosystem types, and the variety of examples used gives considerable insight into the patterns of evolution that are likely to result from the massive introduction of species to new geographic regions that is currently occurring around the globe. Alien Species and Evolution is the only state-of-the-art review and synthesis available of this critically important topic, and is an essential work for anyone concerned with the new science of invasion biology or the threats posed by invasive species.
Anatomy & Physiology (Lippincott Professional Guides)
This new Second Edition contains general and specific information on human anatomy and physiology and thoroughly explains and demonstrates normal structures and functions in all body systems. As a quick reference it provides both a systems and functional approach, and is organized in a logical body-system arrangement. Overview chapters define important terms, describe basic cell and tissue types, and detail the body’s chemical makeup.
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis
Phylogenetic diversity is now a key concept for biodiversity conservation due to its link to option value, evolutionary potential and to the possibility of guiding conservation across scales. Present facilities for obtaining molecular sequences and metagenomes are powering this research field, rendering available detailed information of phylogenetic diversity for a wide taxonomic sample in a short time frame. Along with modern methods of Systematic Conservation Planning this will certainly contribute to more explicit identification of conservation priorities and options. This book brings an updated state of the art of phylogenetic diversity in conservation biology.
Biomedical Microsystems
Poised to dramatically impact human health, biomedical microsystems (bioMEMS) technologies incorporate various aspects from materials science, biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and engineering. Reflecting the highly interdisciplinary nature of this area, Biomedical Microsystems covers the fundamentals of miniaturization, biomaterials, and more.
Comprehensive, yet concise coverage – review covers the material that students must know about biology. Each topic is presented in a clear and easy-to-understand format that makes learning easier. Questions and answers for each topic – let you practice what you’ve learned and build your biology skills. End-of-chapter quizzes – gauge your understanding of the covered content.
The Cell: A Visual Tour of the Building Block of Life
The book is an authoritative yet accessible account of what goes on inside every living cell—from building proteins and producing energy to making identical copies of themselves—and the importance of these chemical reactions both on the familiar everyday scale and on the global scale. Along the way, Challoner sheds light on many of the most intriguing questions guiding current scientific research: What special properties make stem cells so promising in the treatment of injury and disease? How and when did single-celled organisms first come together to form multicellular ones? And how might scientists soon be prepared to build on the basic principles of cell biology to build similar living cells from scratch.
Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics
Topics covered include the influence of climate change on evolutionary and ecological processes such as adaptation, migration, speciation and extinction, and the role of these processes in determining the diversity and biogeographic distribution of species and their populations. This book ultimately illustrates the necessity for global conservation actions to mitigate the effects of climate change in a world that is already undergoing a biodiversity crisis of unprecedented scale.
Genetic Diversity and Disease Susceptibility
This book is a self-contained collection of valuable scholarly papers related to genetic diversity and disease susceptibility, pharmacogenomics, ongoing advances in technology, and analytic methods in this field. The book contains nine chapters that cover the three main topics of genetic polymorphism, genetic diversity, and disease susceptibility and pharmacogenomics.
A History of Medical Bacteriology and Immunology
This book presents details about the discovery of the important pathogenic bacteria of man, of how they were shown to be causally related to disease, and of the use of these discoveries in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Other topics discussed include the development of the germ theory of infectious diseases; contribution of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch to medical bacteriology; and discovery of the more important human pathogenic bacteria.
Molecular Biology and Genomics
This strategic lab guide explores the current methodological variety of molecular biology and genomics in a simple manner, addressing the assets and drawbacks as well as critical points. It also provides short and precise summaries of routine procedures as well as listings of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods. Shows how to avoid experimental dead ends and develops an instinct for the right experiment at the right time Includes a handy Career Guide for researchers in the field Contains more than 100 extensive figures and tables.
Phylogenetics Theory and Practice of Phylogenetics Systematics
Since the publication of the first edition of this landmark volume more than twenty-five years ago, phylogenetic systematics has taken its place as the dominant paradigm of systematic biology. It has profoundly influenced the way scientists study evolution, and has seen many theoretical and technical advances as the field has continued to grow.
World of Microbiology and Immunology
An encyclopedic guide to concepts, theories, discoveries and pioneers in the fields of microbiology and immunology, for students and other researchers. Addresses current ethical, legal and social issues with special emphasis given to biological warfare and terrorism. Topical and biographical entries are alphabetically arranged and cross-referenced. Includes photographs and illustrations. 2 volumes.

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