SoCo 1/3 ⎮ Visual Studies I

The most likes I’ve ever gotten on Instagram is 157.
That is the extent of my photography skills.

In an attempt to overcome my lack of photographic experience, I googled what the best time to take photographs is and google told me “one hour-and-a-half after sunrise.” So, at 8:15 AM I drove over to St. Ed’s from my apartment and booked it on foot to get to South Congress by 8:30 AM, exactly “one hour-and-a-half after sunrise.”

I meandered up and down South Congress with my iPhone taking pictures of anything that caught my eye, no real goal or theme in mind. This was the first time I’d ever explored Austin, so I felt very much like a tourist, and my photos probably feel tourist-y too.

I was intrigued by the everyday typography. From the signs above the businesses, cafés, and coffee shops to the crude stickers on the light poles, both the way words were written and the words themselves always caught my eye. So, a lot of my photos of are of signs, which might be considered boring, but I decided not to fight it on this first trip down Congress.

Subway could’ve used an “E” in weird, but instead they chose to use a “3.”

“Polite” is stuck on a trash can; an object where we throw our garbage we don’t care about anymore.

The stop sign sits below a street sign that says “College” – an outcry for the end of education.

“I lend you so much” is muraled on the side of the Business & Community Lenders building, leeching the positive connotation of the arguably more famous “I love you so much” wall.

Typography was everywhere and so it’s everywhere the photos I’m submitting.

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