Sustainable Products You Can Use

Written by: Victoria Licona Edited by: Kailyn Hayes


Small gestures, big changes. Recently, people have been finding new ways to keep plastic out of the ocean. New sustainable products are coming out every day and with each one that comes out, less plastic will be needed. Using environmentally friendly products and materials every day is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. Below is a list of products that could be useful and could help us reduce the amount of plastic being polluted in the ocean. 


Stainless Steel Straws 

In 2018, Starbucks announced that by 2020, they would ban plastic straws in their company. Like Starbucks, many other companies have taken the initiative to ban plastic straws from their companies. Stainless steel straws have been the initiative most companies have taken to reduce the use of plastic straws. Below is a list of why you should switch to stainless steel straws. 

  • Safe and Durable
  • Easy to Clean
  • Reusable 

One way to reduce the impact of plastic straws on the environment is to simply stop using plastic straws: You can either drink directly from a cup or use a reusable alternative to plastic, like stainless steel straws. 

Bamboo Toothbrushes

There are many types of toothbrushes, but the most common is the plastic toothbrush. Every year billions of plastic toothbrushes are thrown away. They are dumped into our oceans or end up in landfills, where they sit around for about 1000 years before finally breaking down. The Bamboo toothbrush is often regarded as the eco-friendliest toothbrush option, the Bamboo toothbrush has a lot of qualities that sets it apart from regular toothbrushes Some are listed below:

  • Eco Friendly
  • Preserves oral hygiene the same as a plastic toothbrush
  • Antimicrobial (bacteria won’t grow on the handle)

Reusable Bags

No longer do we hear a grocery store employee ask “Paper or Plastic?”. A growing movement around the world is for consumers to purchase and bring their reusable bags to the store to use to carry their products home. This includes any type of bags, even plastic ones that are being reused for the grocery store. Some beaches around Texas, including South Padre Island, have banned the use of plastic bags in grocery stores. Below are some reasons you should use reusable bags:

  • Save money
  • Useful for more than just the grocery store
  • Protect wildlife

All of these products and techniques can be used to help save the environment. This is only a small fraction of the environmentally friendly options out there, so if you haven’t found what you’re looking for, keep looking!

CSR and Ocean Pollution

Corporate Social Responsibility is when a company or organization contributes to societal goals set around them by society. This can be shown in terms of volunteering, charitable giving, socially and environmentally conscious investments, etc.  Through CSR initiatives, corporations and companies can boost their brand while simultaneously helping society. Recently, companies have taken the initiative of tackling the ocean pollution issue. Companies like Adidas and Sky have taken the first step in bringing awareness to ocean pollution and how to fix the problem.

Adidas recently came out with their new running shoe called the “Parley”. This new shoe has a woven aspect that is made completely out of plastic fished out of the ocean. Every shoe is original, and made up of trash collected from nearby beaches. Apart from creating a new running shoe, Adidas came out with a new campaign called “For the Oceans”. The campaign emphasizes that Adidas is trying to fight for plastic free oceans by turning plastic trash into sportswear. Adidas has also created a marathon for their employees called “Run for the Oceans”. The company pledges that by the start of 2024 it will be off virgin polyester completely. 

Sky Media took a different approach. The company invested 25 million euros into start-ups that tackle the ocean plastic crisis through Sky Ocean Ventures. The company has also partnered with National Geographic to create the Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge. The challenge is a global search that looks for the best ways to reduce ocean pollution and how to make better use of the plastic that is already in the oceans. Sky Media partnered with Algramo and CELLUGY after these companies won the challenge. They have since gotten the money to improve their efforts in reducing ocean pollution.

While some people believe that CSR seems like a very forced act, mostly because it is hard to tell if the company actually wants to help the situation, Adidas and Sky Media are breaking barriers and pushing limits to how we as a society can help reduce ocean pollution. They have come up with two very unique ways to make reducing ocean pollution fun and trendy! This merely emphasizes the fact that corporate social responsibility keeps large companies accountable to do their part in helping society in addition to being role models and encouraging other people to make a change.


We Can All Save Our Oceans

Written By: Victoria Licona, Edited By: Sofia Avila


Did you know that each year, humans dump 4 to 12 million metric tons of plastic into our oceans? Oceanic Society says that in the next 10 years that number will double what it is now. Have you ever stopped to think about what you could do to decrease this number? Well, if you haven’t, now is the time to start. Oceans cover 71 percent of the planet and are home to important species and ecosystems that we rely on for food, livelihoods, climate regulation and more.


Plastic is forever, it does not go away. One of the biggest problems with plastic is that it does not break down, it just turns into smaller particles of itself known as microplastics. This does not just affect us, it affects sea life as well. Sea turtles, whales, and coral reefs are some of the few examples of ocean life that are impacted by the waste being thrown into the ocean and the overuse of plastic. By simply changing a few habits in our lives, we can reduce the amount of plastic that enters our oceans. 


Here are 5 different ways you can help reduce plastic:


  1. Demand Plastic-Free Alternatives

The reason plastic companies are still in business is because of supply and demand. If we urge these companies to come up with plastic-free alternatives and stop buying the plastic products, they will have no choice but to make the switch!


  1. Avoid Ocean Harming Products

We have all heard the phrase “save our turtles”. So why are turtles still an endangered species? By using straws, unsustainable fishing methods, and one time use plastic water bottles, we are ruining an entire habitat for these animals. 


  1. Use reusable bags when going grocery shopping

Some cities have already banned the use of plastic grocery bags for supermarkets. This has been incredibly helpful in helping to reduce the amount of plastic in local lakes and rivers. By not throwing away the plastic bags, you have already done your part so they do not end up in the oceans!


  1. Avoid Products Containing Microbeads

Yes, I am sure your beauty products are extremely necessary, but have you ever thought about how they can harm the environment? Microbeads can be found in toothpaste, facial soaps, and body washes. Many times, they are confused for food. A lot of ocean life believe that the microbeads that end up in the ocean are food, and consume the harmful chemicals in these microbeads. Instead of using plastic microbeads, make the switch to natural soaps like oatmeal or salt. 


  1. Eat Sustainable Seafood 



Although these acts may seem small and not impactful, if we all do our part we can save our oceans together! It is also easy to take initiative and start your own beach cleanup or better yet, educate people around you of the importance of recycling and using plastic-free alternatives. All of these ways to help are small lifestyle changes for a bigger cause. Together, we can all reduce the amount of plastic being thrown into our oceans!