Summer Research 2016 Recap

With the completion of the 2016 Summer Research Symposium on June 27th, we have seen an increase in participation with over 70 undergraduate researchers that totaled over 11,000 hours of effort over the past 6 weeks. Generous funding for this research came from several different sources, including the Br. Romard/JD Lewis Student Research Fund, Community for Achievement in Research, Academics and Science (CASAR), Welch Foundation Chemistry Grant, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Program, Dean’s Discretionary Fund, USDA and McKemie Summer Scholarship.

Thank you to all students as well as the 24 research supervisors who helped mentor and guide this research over the past few months. We’d also like to thank the Office of Sponsored Programs and the School of Natural Sciences for helping make these research projects and symposium possible at SEU.

For those of you who participated in summer research this year, please take a minute to take both the SEU and national post-research surveys that will give us valuable information for the future development of our research programs at SEU:

National survey: SURE III Survey

SEU survey:

KXAN Coverage for Go-For-Launch! Event

A former research assistant of Dean Gary A. Morris, Natalie Ferrari is now on the weather team at KXAN here in Austin and is helping to promote our upcoming Go-For-Launch! event at St. Ed’s.

As an undergraduate at the University of Houston, Natalie took Dr. Morris’ GEOL 4397 course on “Advanced Atmospheric Data Analysis and Laboratory” while he was a Visiting Professor for one semester in the Spring of 2008 and was on the launch team for Dr. Morris’ ozonesonde project.  Natalie made her way through the small-town broadcast meteorology market to arrive in Austin last Fall.

She kindly picked up and promoted our Go-For-Launch! event, scheduled for 11 – 13 July 2016 – the summer camp for high school students focused on leadership and team-building.  Students at the camp will design an experiment to be performed in space, with the winning project earning the chance to be built, flown to the space station, and conducted by the astronauts there.

Retired astronaut, Michael Foreman, will be in attendance for the entire 3-day event, serving as a mentor to the student teams.  You can follow him on Twitter.

For more information on Go-For-Launch! including scholarships and how to register, click here.  Space is still available.  Our registration deadline is 1 July!