Final Blog Post

Part 1: Based on the notes you took during class, write a brief description and response to each of the Faculty presentations.

Overall, my favorite presentation was the one about video games. I liked how the speaker explained everything from his personal experience with games from a young age, to his professional experiences with games. I liked this one the most because while I am not in video game studies, it’s the most relevant to my life. Gaming is something that has been important to me since I was a small child, and to see someone grow up with games like I did and explain their life is pretty inspiring.

Professor Joe and Alex’s presentations were equally as interesting to me because I am in their class. It was really nice to see what they like to work on and see what their own perspective on making art is like. The thing that I liked about seeing professor Joe’s work was that he showed a very large amount of work that he did throughout the course of many years. It was inspiring to see how his work evolved throughout the years. What I found interesting about professor Alex’s work was that it was all recent stuff that had to do with her kids. I liked the contrast between Joe and Alex’s work.

Part 2: Reflection on this semester and course. Feel free to write any and all comments here. We want and appreciate your feedback (both positive and critical).

I think overall the course was pretty good. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into it, but I think I actually learned a lot from it. I think I learned the most from the speakers that would come in and present about their work. It’s really helpful to listen to the advice that they offer and the questions that they answer from the students.