Reflection on Shelter Project

  1. IMG_0120 How did your group approach the concept of shelter?  Was it successful? Why?
    1. We decided to make a shelter to remember people so we collected love notes for lost ones, ones you shared fond memories with, and ones you never had. IMG_0263
  2. What was the group budget for the project? Where did you source your materials and how did they cost?
    1. Our group budget was $30, but we didn’t even spend more than $10. The only things we bought were pens and yarn. We found the yarn for a dollar a roll at a thrift store accidentally and it worked out perfectly. The shoe boxes we used to collect love notes we got from a Payless that was going to throw them out.DSC_0389
  3. Was the workload equal? Explain.
    1. Yes, each of us had one box to collect notes and as a group we attached them to yarn and the tree.
  4. What was the strength that you added to the group, your weakness?
    1. I collected many notes and helped develop new ideas to add to the project.
  5. What role did you find you played in the group dynamic?
    1. I don’t think we had certain roles. We all put in the same kind of work for about the same amount of time. IMG_0107 DSC_0387 IMG_0105
  6. What advice would you give to the next group that must complete this project?
    1. Be flexible, don’t be stubborn on staying on one idea because it may not work out. Be willing to bring in new ideas that may change the project. Really work as a group, not assigning different jobs to different people; if you work together you won’t get lost and the final product will reflect that.

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