Monthly Archives: February 2014

Research Proposal

  1. My general topic is U.S Drone Attacks in Pakistan


Although I realize I will need to revise and refine this question as I do my research, at this point, my specific working research question is: Should the U.S army continue using the unmanned air strikes in Pakistan?


II. Given this question, I think I will also need to research some related questions in order to comprehensively address my working research question. Some of those questions are (but not limited to): [Please list at least FIVE or more. See at the end of this proposal for samples.]

1. Is the U.S army using unmanned air strikes in the mean time?

2. Where are they using it?

3. What is the casualty number?

4. Is it internationally controversial topic?

5. What event has led up to this controversy?


III. Now that I have done some research, the controversy surrounding this question can be summarized as follows: The U.S army air strikes program is not accurate. It is created to kill terrorists putting American soldier lives into danger. However, it has killed many innocent civilinas.



After doing a little research, it seems that people who would give a “yes” answer to my question argue that the drone program saves American soldiers lives and helps to kill terrorists.



People that would say “no” would argue that even though its primary goal is to save American soldiers, it kills innocent civilians.



IV. The sources that I found in the library during our session that I think satisfy the requirements and help me answer my question are:

NY times

Living under the