Blog Post #6

  1. My greatest strengths in Photo 1 include: being engaged to actually learn photography skills to apply them, and fully comprehending what Bill is teaching.
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: stop going to bed so late, wake up early, and ask more questions.

  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include: comprehending techniques for portraying myself as an artist, asking Tuan questions after class, and going to put in expert hours on my own time in the lab.
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: stop letting my mind get off topic when we start talking about printing, turn in projects on time, and stop being intimidated to critique someone elses work.

  1. My greatest strengths in Intro to Problem Solving and Computing include: being interested in learning how to code, turning in work on time, and having a positive relation with my professor.
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: write better notes.

  1. My greatest strengths in Hebrew Bible Study include: having back knowledge on topics we cover, and visiting my professor during office hours.
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: catch up with readings, do better on quizzes and tests, study with classmates, try to ask my professor for help when I don’t understand things, write better notes, and speak up during discussions.

  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies Seminar include: fully comprehending topics that are being discussed, having interest in class topics, and writing down tips to becoming an artist. 
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to: stop being a shitty student and turn in homeworks on time, stop being a shitty student and not be afraid to speak up during class discussion, and stop being a shitty student.

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include: Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, Apple Pages, Gimp, and Photoshop.
  2. I still need to learn: InDesign, Adobe Lightroom and Illustrator.

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: researching for topics and gathering good information.
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: being more scholarly and intellectual with concepts I am trying to get across.
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when: I am genuinely interested in what Im working on, and when Im not afraid mess up.

I’m struggling with my Hebrew Bible Study class and here are 10 ways I can improve.

  1. Catch up with readings before class.
  2. Study with with classmates.
  3. Ask questions in class.
  4. Include myself in class discussion.
  5. Write better notes.
  6. Go over and organize notes first thing right outside of class.
  7. Write notes in textbooks.
  8. Not let mind go off subject in class.
  9. Ask classmate what they got from the lecture.
  10. Write down questions I have on topics I don’t fully understand and talk to professor about it.


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