Finding Scholarly Articles

This article will help you find peer-reviewed (scholarly) journal articles using the search bar on the Munday Library homepage. You may also want to visit our article on How to Use SORIN, the multipurpose research tool that works with our search engine.

Searching for Peer-Reviewed (Scholarly) Journal Articles

1. Enter your keywords into the search bar at the top of our homepage.

  • Type in one or more keywords
    • Ex: Interest Rates
    • Ex: Music Globalization
  • If you are searching a multi-word phrase like “dialectical behavior therapy,” it usually helps to put your search terms in quotations as shown below.

2. Click on the FILTER arrow to show more search filter options.
For peer-reviewed journal articles:

  • Change “Item type” to Article
  • Change”Show (multiple)” to Peer Reviewed.

3. Click on the magnifying glass icon to conduct your search.

4. You may also want to limit your search results to see articles from a specific time period. Once you arrive on the search results page, you can click on the FILTER arrow again to see the option that allows you to limit by publish date. Once you have entered your date range, click “apply filters.”

5. After finding an article you like, you can either choose “SAVE IT!” to save to one of your SORIN collections for later (see more about using SORIN Collections on our article: How to Use SORINOR you can click “VIEW RESOURCE” to open the article’s catalog page.

6. From the article’s catalog record, you should see a list of databases that will allow you to view the article. You can choose any of the links listed under “View Online.” Some article also have a “Get PDF” button that will link you directly to the article. NOTE: If you have not already done so, you will need to sign into MyHilltop in order to access SEU database content.

If you need assistance accessing an article or find a broken link, e-mail and we will be happy to assist you.

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