Adventures in Costa Rica!

my experience as a missionary in Costa Rica

new cultures

on December 12, 2013

ok so remember in kindergarten when they taught you the pillars of how to treat people or whatever they were? fairness, caring, respect, responsiblity, trustworthiness and citizenship? we had a movie when i was kid all about it. and everyone was always trying to teach me to share and be nice and not say mean things and not whine and not complain etc etc. i feel like my time here this summer has been just like that. god is teaching me things week by week, step by step. so far, i have a better understanding for patience, humility and living in the moment. through different kinds of people and different kinds of group dynamics, i have learned these things. i have a new appreciation for different kinds of people and different kinds of cultures. there are so many cultures and so many different kinds of people just in the US alone. trust me…i think i have come in contact with them all. ha. not really, but a lot. which has been really interesting
the lord gives and the lord takes away. and you have to thank him for both. for without the dark, how would you know it was light, for without sadness, how would you know it was happiness that you were feeling? i think that is one of the most important points of the bible. there are a lot of important points, but that is a good one to remember always. i thought in such a place like this, how could i feel sadness, how could i feel anything but pure joy? but this is the real world too. the lord knows that i look at costa rica very lovingly, almost too lovingly. he wants me to know that my life is my life no matter where i am or what i do or who im with. everyone i know, i still know, everyone i love i still love. and they are living their lives completely independent of mine. nothing stops bc i am in “paradise” for a couple of months. my life is my life. and it is really pretty beautiful. i think about everyone i love back in the states and my heart swells. i think about everyone i love her, and my heart swells. i think about everyone i have met just briefly this summer and my heart is filled with joy.
ive learned some really great new skills recently. last week, i learned how to make balloon animals. yup. i know how to make a sword, a flower and a dog. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? pretty dang awesome. gosh if i learned ANYTHING of worth while being here, its that for sure.
im not feeling so good today. i think i have a little sinus infection. i will be fine. im not dying, i just need some rest and some medicine. under control. but it still sucks. at least its an off day and not a work day like yesterday. that was awful. ok everyone. i dont have much else to say right now. i hope all is well on the homefront.
dios te bendiga.

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