Current Expert Hours & Projected Fall 2019 Type II Expert Hours

With my current accumulated hours, I believe I have ~850 right now.  About 200 came from my first formal creative experiences back in high school. I painted signs and different word styles with paints (I’ve only ever sold one) and I did photographing for a few sports events at my school, and had even gotten some published.  The remainder came from projects that I have done in class, as well as outside creative works I have done, many being for personal growth. I feel that from this semester, I’ll get somewhere between 10-15 hours per week of creative work, having to not only work on school projects, but my own personal projects that I wish to complete and that fit into my portfolio. I feel that the expert hours goal of 10,000 hours will take me a long time to complete, but I definitely wouldn’t accomplish it within this semester, which is okay as I have many things to learn with my major.