ARTS1311 Reading #2

1. Based upon the reading how are priorities set for specific projects? Or in other words, what is it that determines the guidelines for given projects?

  • Priorities are set from the discussion by everyone working on the project concludes to. It’s what the person creates envisions and then what the audience will see or most likely choose to focus on.

2. How does the artist/ designer approach decision making differently or do they?

  • They are not so different, but still are unique. An artist usually thinks of various solutions that aren’t always common while designers have a more logical or analytical approach.

1. How do you make decisions? Are they based upon anything substantial? Why or why not?

  • My decisions are based on past experiences and what I think will work best in each situation. I like to have a certain basis or reference for what I’m doing rather than putting anything and everything at once.

2. How do you know when something is “good” or working?

  • I usually go by my gut feeling or what I find to be visually interesting.

3. How do you rework projects to make them work?

  • I change the bits and pieces that i’m not completely satisfied with and keep changing until I get the results that I really like.

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