Monthly Archives: October 2017

Degree Plan

This degree plan was created my freshman year to help keep my credits in  order. I have learned many skills including coding, working in Unity and Gamemaker, and sound editing. I hope these skills learned may help land me a spot on a game audio production team, either as a voice over director or lead audio designer. I do not have a minor, but I have thought that if I ever did not want to continue on the gaming path that I chose, I would pursue a Pre-Med degree or something similar.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  1. My greatest strengths in __Playwriting______________ include:

Creativity, natural sounding dialogue.

  1. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Procrastinate less and organize story arches better

  1. My greatest strengths in __Advanced Game Production__________ include:

Working well in team, communication skills, knowledge and experience in audio production of games.

  1. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Brush up on implementation of sounds in Unity.

  1. My greatest strengths in ___Mexican American Women’s Lit.___________ include:

Keeping up with the readings, understanding the subject matter.

  1. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Analyze the texts more thoroughly.

  1. My greatest strengths in ___Project Management___________ include:

Communicating well with project group, excellent time management.

  1. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Read chapters more thoroughly.

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include:
    1. Programming in java and python
    2. Adobe Audition
    3. Adobe Illustrator
    4. Making games in Unity and Gamemaker
  2. I still need to learn:
    1. Photoshop
    2. Premiere pro
    3. Unreal Engine


Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include:

Clear theses, good structure to papers.

  1. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing:

Formulating clear and solid conclusions.

  1. I learn best & accomplish most when:

I can get hands on or visual experience when being talked through a process.


Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could.
Now make a list of 10 ways you could improve your performance in this class.


  1. Stop procrastinating so much, start plays a few days more in advance.
  2. Flesh characters out to a deeper level.
  3. Plan scenes better.
  4. Have more definite endings without leaving too many unanswered questions.
  5. Stop doing daily assignments last minute.
  6. Communicate with the professor more.
  7. Participate in class discussions more often.
  8. Be more open to critiques.
  9. Go back and revise works and assignments.
  10. Analyze other student works better.

My Project

These are two images from a project I had in principals of art and design. The purpose of the project was to take a random object of the student’s choosing  (I chose a Scarecrow figurine) and take pictures of the object in 100 unique situations.








The strongest aspect of the work is the use of angles to make the four inch figurine look like a normal sized person. The weakest is that after about 50 – 60 pictures with the figurine, I started to run out of ideas of what to do, so they get more and more random. The project could be strengthened conceptually by going back through and recreating some of the better images with more context, and listing out possible actions the figurine might take. Using a DSLR camera instead of a phone camera could greatly improve the image quality.