VISU1311 Creativity Blog #4

Creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of artistic work. As a photographer and as just a person in general, I struggle with creativity. Often I joke about how “my creativity has died years ago” and that’s basically true. I have a hard time coming up with different ideas and concepts that most other people can easily come up with and understand. This has shaped me becoming a sports photographer because although creativity is still needed, there isn’t as much required as say a fashion photographer.

The very first video that I watched was “Stellar”, and it was very eye appealing. Personally the first time I watched it I thought it was very strange and had a very trippy and psychedelic vibe to it all. I then decided to watch it while listening to music and for my second time and somewhat understood it. There were different bright colors mixed with white spots as stars and it gave off a galaxy view. At the end of the video he said that he wanted to be a “visual musician” and he definitely achieved it. I ended up watching it a couple more times after the original two because it was very engaging and kind of addicting, like I wanted to see more and more.

After listening to the Spoon interview I got a broader view into all the creativity that goes into making music and how to keep it entertaining to the listener. You realize that music (or other art) can start out one way and end up completely different in the end, and that that is  what makes it great. Jim Eno, the drummer, moved to more beat oriented styles and combined different backgrounds to enhance the song. They took different parts that may not have seemed like it would have worked and joined it together to actually make a catchy song. Playing with different aspects of music helped made it great and it was creativity that made them pursue on with the song and making it have a different, but better, sound.

I finished by watching the Amy Tan video about the creative process. Creativity has different principles and different questions that you have to ask yourself to fully understand it. You must ask yourself why and how things happen in order to furthermore understand them. Her “observer effect” made me realize that if you search for an “about” too hard you will only write about that “about” and what you were supposed to find or hoped to find is no longer there. The answer to creativity is so obvious and yet it isn’t, by questioning things you will eventually find the answer.

I really did like all of these videos and listenings because they all tied together with creativity. There was so much creativity in Stan Brakhage’s video with all the beautiful colors mixing and unmixing with each other. Creativity was used in Spoon’s song by thinking outside of the box and combining different types of music together to create one awesome sound. Finally Amy Tan helps us to try to grasp what creativity really means and even though there is uncertainty in everything, luck, will, and faith will help you get through it. All together they helped me be more aware of what creativity means and how one can incorporate it in art. 

VISU1311: Creativity Blog #1.

When I first read the title of “The Photograph” I had thought that it was just about a certain photograph and the author’s experiences with it. As soon as I got through the first sentence I realized it was about all photographs but more focused on just black and white. In the past I did not realize how someone could retain so much from a black and white photo but now I can understand the different concepts. This reading made me take a second look at how I should look at photography and helped me to understand black and white photography a little bit more.

I am a person who prefers shooting regular digital colored photos than black and white but, I attained that black and white photos can more clearly reveal the significance of the photograph by showing details without the concepts of actual colors. I connected with the author by agreeing with his view on how people who think photos are just “states of things reflected onto surfaces” are naïve and plain thinkers. The phrase “beauty of the conceptual universe” was used to describe black and white photos, the author also talks about how black and white cannot be real but how it should be because then things would all be interpreted differently. This reading challenged me psychologically because it made me realize how people can see pictures in a different way and have different retentions from seeing it, especially black and white.

I admired his view on the intentions of photographers because it really showed what a photographer wants to or actually does achieve when going out and taking pictures. In summary, photographers want to show the world their concept of it all and to have models (photographs) that prove their point or to have someone see it from their point of view. Photographers want to forever be remembered by everyone for their work and I agree with that because I am the exact same way. I want my photos to be remembered and for me to be thought of when people see them. I also correlated with how the author said “Society is used as a feedback mechanism for a photographer’s work” because in the end, that is who ultimately judges your work.

The reading helped shed a light on black and white photography and how it is often underrated. People have different concepts of photos and the author had a very interesting point of view. In the past I did not realize how someone could retain so much from a black and white photo but now I can understand the different concepts. The passage helped me to comprehend concepts of black and white photography and to look for a bigger meaning. All in all, the text provided made me want to take a look at photography in a different perception and have a different insight into black and white photography.

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