R E A D I N G 0 0 2


How do you make decisions? Are they based upon anything substantial?

Making decisions is a crucial step in getting anything done. There is always pressure and skepticism if it is the “right” decision, but a mentality I think is helpful in relieving this stress is this: “It is never too late to make a better decision.” SO, I try to convince myself with substantial evidence that makes sense to me (from an artists standpoint, I expect this would differ from a designer).

How do you know when something is “good” or working?

It is different each time. Sometimes from the first concept sketch it’s like “oh wow this is gonna be pretty dope,” and other times its like “ok, i’m gonna keep working for another hour and if I don’t feel different than something has gotta give.” Other times, you hope for the audience to enjoy it more than you.

How do you rework projects to make them work?

I think about clothing for this question but it applies to artistic work as well. To remove the last thing you added. Of course this isn’t always the case but it’s these kind of maxims that go through my head once I realize I have encountered a problem that needs rethinking. Turn it around. Get up and think about something else. Revisit. Alter the way you look at it. Bottom line.