December 2017 archive

Journal Entry: December 10

It is finals week. I am going to die of studying and starving because I will be too busy studying my butt off for these finals. I cannot wait for the break and go home to my family. I also want to stay here. Back in Houston is boring and I just stay home and play games. But in Austin, I learn and hang out with friends every day and I experience living here. I just want to go home for a bit. I can’t wait for LeaderShape though. I am so excited to go to that.

Journal Entry: December 2

I am anxious about the end of the semester. I see all my grades are passing but will it affect my accumulative GPA when I head to med school. That is the part I am scared of. I hope that my grades are boosted whenever I take my finals. That is also an aspect that I am scared of because I really never had to take hard finals back in high school. However, this is college in such that I do not know what to expect because it pretty much the end of a class in 15 weeks. I do not want to fail a class because that will mean I will become behind and I will have to work harder. I am also super behind in the science seminar class because all the other professors remind me of tasks but you, Dr. Haynes, do not. You said that we need to be responsible enough to check those ourselves and that if we do miss, it’s our fault. I just want to go back home and relax and wait for another semester to start.