SpaceX – Not Just for Going to Mars

SpaceX has made a name for itself by being a vocal proponent of commercial space exploration and setting its sights on Mars. Now it seems that that is not the only direction it wants to look.

SpaceX has filed a request with the FCC for approval of a satellite system that would bring the internet to every corner of the globe. The three way battle between Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg for most forward thinking techno-genius billionaire continues as Musk is now literally going above Zuckerberg’s ambitious autonomous drone program that would bring wifi to the world from the skies.

The SpaceX plan would put over 4,000 satellites into orbit in conjunction with ground based systems and would cost over $10 billion. The plan is in its early stages, but if we have learned nothing else about Musk from his previous ventures, it is that he is patient, committed to his visions, and does not see money as an obstacle.

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