Snoop and Stewart

Can we please talk about this Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart combo?!  I first heard about this show on Facebook.  Actually, I only heard about this show on Facebook.  Unfortunately, I don’t have VH1, so I couldn’t watch it, or record it to watch it.

I’m aware of Martha Stewart because my stepmother is a fan, then, of course, that whole insider trading thing happened.  Snoop will always have a special place in my heart because when I was younger, his song was chosen for my gymnastics (tumbling) team’s recital performance.  I’ve been aware of his existence since that recital.

So what’s the deal with this new show?  Well, Martha Stewart’s publicly traded company was bought out in June 2015.  She needed a new image, or at least to mix her image up.  What better way to do that than to start a cooking show with pot smoking, rapper Snoop Dog.  The previews for the show made me laugh out loud, because parts were unexpected.  Stewart is still prim and proper, which makes their banter so comical.

Snoop Dog seems to be doing well.  This partnership gives him an opportunity to “expand his cannabis lifestyle brand Merry Jane”.  This partnership is smart.  The advertisement was debuted on Facebook, which was also smart because, well when is that last time you watched VH1?  Well, 1.7 million viewers tuned in for its premiere Monday night.  This was VH1’s top series debut since January.  Using Facebook, and probably other social media sites, worked.

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