Importance of Customer Service

In the text book, chapter 10 addresses services and speaks to the importance of customer-service.  Customer relationships builds loyalty, and customer service is part of that relationship.  Due to the increase in self-service technologies, customer interactions are less frequent.  When the interactions occur, it needs to be positive.  The article, Customer Care is Your Best Marketing Strategy, talks about the importance of customer care and how technology is changing the frequency of customer interactions.  Customer service isn’t only important for customer loyalty, but also for positive reviews on the internet.  Posting experiences is easier now than ever before, and are increasingly accessible.  A negative review can prevent a consumer from even trying a product or service.  Now, more than ever, those interactions with customers are important.

Customers are not only the consumers, but the employees of the company as well.  If the employees are satisfied with the company and understand how they are part of the company, then they will be able to portray that towards the customers.  The article made an interesting point that the people in marketing are not usually the ones interacting with the customer.  So it’s important to communicate customer service skills to the frontline employees.


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