Invisible Boomers

I came across this article the other day, Baby Boomer Women Remain Invisible to Marketers.  The article appealed to me because my aunt is a baby boomer and she references her generation frequently.  I’m pretty sure it is the impact that the boomers had/have on society that intrigues her so much about her generation.  The article explains how boomers are a big part of our society and that they should be marketed to more frequently because of their spending potential.  Companies are missing out on a large demographic.  Simply look at the numbers from the Dove campaign:

“The Dove “Campaign for Real Beauty,” launched by Unilever in 2004, featured women of all shapes, ages and races. Within the first two months of the campaign’s launch, product sales rose 600% in the U.S.”

I started to consider what my aunt consumes.  She went to graduate school and received her degree when she turned 50.  Her and her husband have always had relatively new technology.  They enjoy music, so they have quality speakers and a large collection of CDs.  I’m sure they have a tremendous digital library of music.  Other than technology, I don’t really know where they spend.  They aren’t foodies, they don’t vacation much, except to visit family.  Maybe if there were more products marketed to women like my aunt, I could tell you more about the products she consumes.

In an earlier blog I spoke about investing and how Edward Jones doesn’t market well to the recently graduated, new career demographic very realistically.  Additionally, they certainly don’t market to the boomers, who are, at this stage in life, probably empty-nesters, if they ever had children to begin with.  They are well into their careers and some are educated.  Women boomers are another demographic that should not be ignored by investment firms.

Last night, I sent the article to my aunt.  She said that she never noticed women boomers were being ignored by marketing.  I followed up by asking if she notices, now that it’s been brought to her attention.  She said she’d let me know today.

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