No Jack No Problem

No Jack No Problem

When Apple’s new phone launched they confirmed what had long been suspected concerning the new design. NO HEADPHONE JACK!?! A staple of auditory technology almost as old as phones themselves had been dumped.
Wow, just wow. How would the world cope with this revelation? Many “experts” felt that Apple would be cutting its throat by making such a drastic change. Fortunately, for Apple’s sake, this has not seemed to slow the enthusiasm for their new phone offering.
As when most things change, there are always those that resist out of hand. To counter this attitude the message they delivered was one of bravely introducing the inevitable. This helped them maintain their image as bold innovators even though the phone itself is not drastically different. There are some nice upgrades to camera and battery, and the long awaited water proofing is a nice touch, but not ground breaking.
Taking away the headphone jack helped accomplish something that nothing else on the new phone could. This “drastic” move showed its customers that Apple pushes the envelope while others are content, and that notion is at the heart of their marketing, and keeps its loyal fans coming back for more.

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