Graphic Design I – Mapping Project: Artifact Map (personal geography)

For my personal geography map I created a map of the areas my dog is most likely to visit in my backyard. I originally wanted to do a 3d version of this same map, but realized that the 3d aspect would have been potentially misleading and unnecessary, but as I look back on the project, I think I would like to have incorporated the 3d aspect more into creating depth in the holes my dog has dug, because they are a signifier of how often she stays in a certain place. I also would have liked to make the map more detailed, showing not only the correlation between how much shade there is in an area and where she decides to lay down, but also the correlation between where she is and physical aspects of the backyard, like the pile of sticks she likes to visit, or sitting close to the door because she knows she’ll be fed soon.

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