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Author rcuneo

Cuneo – Story 3 “Why a Baby Boomers Retirement is Something We Should Be Talking About”

Story 3 Draft – CUNEO

Title: Why Baby Boomers’ Retirement Is Something We Should Be Talking About Medium: Sound Nut Graph: Baby boomers’ retirement is one of the country’s biggest issues affecting Americans, 76 million in fact and it has been 70 years in the… Continue Reading →

CUNEO- Story 3 Pitch

Greetings So for my final story I am getting in touch with the Austin School of Design to interview students and faculty and learn about what it takes to become a fashion designer here in Austin. I have reached out… Continue Reading →


Click here to see my story  This story has a lot of potential, Raffi. Key elements that need addressing when you revise for Thursday’s final deadline. Don’t write in the first person (“I”). Keep yourself out of the story. Get… Continue Reading →

CUNEO – Election Day

Some basic news writing stuff here: Remember to write short sentences and short paragraphs.Put all quotes in their own paragraphs. Keep yourself out of news stories (don’t write in the third person, “I”) and don’t write a concluding paragraph. It’s… Continue Reading →

CUNEO – Election Poll Worker

The poll worker I interviewed was named Paul. He gave me the look that he didn’t want to tell me his last name for some reason, I mean I guess he was scared of what I was going to ask…. Continue Reading →


“Working Like A Blog” AUSTIN, TX– Do you want to own your own business in college and work on your own time taking pretty pictures of yourself wearing pretty things? Well so do a lot of other women in college and… Continue Reading →


A Look Into Cabra    


This map looks at the Travis County School Districts that illustrate the percentage of children within the population who live in poverty. It specifies children within the ages of 5-17 who live with the household dealing in poverty. Having a… Continue Reading →


Honestly I am needing some assistance   Here’s the idea though. ” Working Like A Blog ” – (get it? working like a dog/blog… SO BAD MAYDAY) Okay that might not be the title since I literally pulled that outta… Continue Reading →

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