Line Inventory One
For my first line inventory, I did my best to explore all of the materials at my disposal. I wanted to know what it would feel like to make marks with a variety of materials, from charcoal to india ink. I explored different methods of mark making and got an idea of what kind of lines are visually pleasing and I enjoy making (which would be crucial for the scale of and time spent on the final step of this project).
Line Inventory Two
I was then given the instructions to “make it better.” After spending so much time on my first line inventory, I was a little distressed that i would have to do it all again, but also eager to learn from my first experience with the project. I chose the best lines from my first inventory and also gathered ideas from my classmates. I made an extra effort to perfect my craft for this second iteration on my line inventory and spent extra time cutting out each square and placing them on an orange substrate for a clean and professional look.
I’m used to sketching surfaces, rather than lines. I focus on the blocks of light and dark on an object, rather than the lines that make them up. This was a very interesting exercise for me and it got me thinking a lot about the way that line can suggest form and movement, even if it isn’t visually there on the subject.
Sculptural Expression
I don’t usually work with three dimensional art, so this was really fun. I tried to draw lines in a physical space with the wire I was using. I created a frame and then tried to capture the movement of fabric with the wire that I attached between the frames.
I made an intentional decision when starting this piece to concentrate the weight of my piece on the edges of the paper. I was able to create an intense focus on the white of the majority of the paper with an intricate framing of different line patterns. I was able to create a movement reminiscent of waves in water with the orientation of all the different lines. I’m very pleased with he outcome of this projects and was able to develop a stronger understanding of line through each step of this process.