It’s easy to forget how precious life is. While that may sound cheesy, we forget to be grateful for the life we have been given. For a healthy life, with people who care for us, and opportunities everyday to better ourselves and our lives. Life isn’t easy, that I know, but it is easy to look for the good in everything to choose to be happy no matter the situation. Small problems that at the time may feel all consuming, seem futile when something happens that makes us realize how unimportant it really was. Every minute can change our life for the better or worse, so why not choose to look forward to what can make it better. To think positively and truly make the most out of every moment. To love those little moments we let pass by, to look at what we love and value in those close to us rather than what they aren’t or what they should be. There really is no “should”… only “is”. What it is and what we can be. Rather than worrying about what’s wrong or what we want, why not focus on changing what makes us unhappy to something that makes us happy. Focus on the beauty rather than the sad and unpleasant. It’s not an easy thing to do as simple as it may sound, but everyday I promise I am going to try to focus on the good. Until then I am painting away to get ready for my showcase in September.