Critical Assessment


I chose to highlight these three projects, including the weather report project, the geography map project, and the place mark project.

These three projects propelled me through a creative door I hadn’t yet opened. The mark and the weather report were two of the most complex and thoughtful projects I’ve had and had not expected this much growth from that kind of work. It wasn’t just the challenging factor found in these projects, but the fact that I was forced to think profoundly about what I was making. Past projects were more about just making, but these were different in the way that I was pushed. These projects also included a lot more time to be worked on than I’m used to, so I expected easy work, but the time wasn’t the problem I found when working on these. The problem I found was within my creative self. The reason I chose these was because they were the ones who forced me to address the creative block that was in me.

I also found that the harder and more pushed I was during the creation process, I was more and more pleased with whatever my outcome would be. These projects produced that pride that any creator wants to feel after completing work. I’ve always had problems with finishing artwork ever since I’ve started to create, so whenever I am able to force myself to push through, I grow. Of course, growth of the creative muscle hurts, just like any other muscle that needs to be exercised. The highlight projects I’ve chosen are  the result of me pushing that muscle to it’s limit. I push that muscle with every project I do but these projects were the more challenging ones that motivate me to continue.