For this assignment in Image Methodology we were given nine different fonts to choose from. We all selected individual levels designated for each font. The task given was to create five operations to one letter of a typeface chosen from the typefaces given. Our assignment included five different fills we must complete: line pattern, eclipse pattern, polygon pattern, image, and no fill. We also were required to perform a transformation on each letter (scallop, spike, one slice, explode, multiply). We were given a demo in class teaching us how to utilize each transformation.
After we completed the assignment we were required to purchase gels pens so our illustrator files could then be printed by the plotter. Through the completion of this assignment I learned a lot about how to use pathfinder and really became more confident with illustrator as a direct effect of this assignment in Image Methodology. Overall I am happy with the final outcomes of my work. I wish I could see them all printed! Unfortunately, I think the gel pens I purchased may have not been as strong as I hoped they would be after seeing the outcome of my Z printed. If I could change anything about this project it would be to get stronger gels pens.
I think I advanced my knowledge of typography as a whole through this assignment. It taught me how to alter typeface in a way that will enhance the attributes of not only the letter but the typeface as well.