Sophomore Portfolio Review

Critical Assesment: 

I went into St. Edward’s with a creative mind but very unaware of what I was in store for. Since the beginning of my experience in the Graphic Design Program I have grown significantly. I view the world differently. I see typography in ways I had never seen before, excelled in my knowledge of the software, and can now confidently call myself a designer. 

I was not familiar with Illustrator, InDesign, or Aftereffects prior to these past two years; now I can confidently explain to others how to use them. Although I have come a long way in four semester, I recognize I still have so much more room to learn and grow as a graphic designer.

One of the most successful assignments I completed throughout these four semester was last semester when I was assigned the project of creating a decision-making map in Tuan’s Graphic Design I class. I really saw myself excel as this course progressed, I was far from being proficient in Illustrator, infact I was illiterate, but I came a long way. By the end of the semester, when the cognitive map was due, I felt extremely confident using Illustrator. Of course, I still have a significant amount of things to learn within the program but I’m very proud of how far I came in one semester.

This assignment allowed me to create a connection with everything I had been taught in previous class. I utilized my knowledge of color, type, symbol making, and the use of time management.



The second project I have chosen for my critical assessment was assigned this Spring semester in Jimmy’s Graphic Design II class, the Rule assignment. We were given the task of understanding rules and instructions and correlating that into a successful design. I feel like the assignment allowed me to use all the attributes I’ve been taught previously but also allowed me to push myself into a whole new realm of design.

I was really happy with my final outcome of the Rule project. It was challenging to create the buttons in a way that connected with the feelings invoked by the instructions without making them too literal and “souvenier-esque.” Although it wasn’t easy, I think I was successful in creating this. I was very excited to  create a design that could really be utilized.

This project for me is a direct representation of how much I have grown as a designer from my start two years ago. I don’t think I could have successfully created this project even last semester. I’ve come a long way as far as being able to connect the skills I’ve been taught in the past with the techniques I am being taught now.

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