End Term Assessment

I’ve noticed a growth in my artwork since the beginning of the semester. My art has gotten a bit more refined along with all of the skills I’ve acquired throughout the course. I’ve realized now that this is what I want to be doing with my future, compared to in the beginning of the semester when I wasn’t entirely sure about it. So I would say that this course has helped to bring the artist out of me.

I excelled in my use of practice times. Not only did I take the time to practice in class but I also did a lot of practice outside of class. I did quite a bit of photo taking, a few drawings and learned a bit more about the software we’ve been using throughout the semester. For example I did more practice with photoshop around the middle of the semester. I would just play with it a few hours a day both inside and outside of class. All of the practice I did helped me to get through the course, learn, and sharpen my skills.

I dealt with feedback very well. I heard what the instructors and students were saying and I acted. For instance, when Bill said my collages would’ve been better had I made them three dimensional. I listened and did what he said and my collages were even better than before.

As I mentioned before, I have found out that this is what I want to do with my future. The work I put out in this class has really helped me to see that I love art and making creative pieces. I am probably most impressed with the book I created and the architectural themed photos I took all throughout the class. So the love that I have for my work is immense, even more so after taking this course. I’m in it for the long haul.

My external expert hours are pretty impressive. I made about three or four pieces that weren’t required just for fun. Outside of class I took a few hours out of my day to become more comfortable with photoshop and indesign, especially during the middle and towards the end of the semester.

I would give myself an A in practice time because out of the five courses I took this semester, I devoted the most time to this one. I give myself a B in feedback only because there were only a few cases where I actually received feedback and acted on it. An A in the level of love I have for my work and a B in external expert hours because I did do quite a bit.

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