The U.S. is highly invested in keeping terrorism suppressed and under control in Sub-Saharan Africa. Not only does the U.S. provide million of dollars in aid to African nations, it also has a heavy military presence on continent. U.S. military forces and operations have only grown larger and expanded over the course of the last decade. The U.S. has undertaken several prominent operations in Somalia alone and in one such operation in 2009, the U.S. killed Saleh Ali Nabhan, a man who was potentially involved in the bombing of two U.S. embassies back in 1998. The U.S. continues to send aid to Ethiopia despite it’s human rights violations, because it’s seen as the key to suppressing terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa also receives aid from the EU and the World Bank. China has also become a growing player in Africa, investing billions of dollars into the continent. However, China plays no role in counter-terrorism efforts on the continent, being more concerned with Africa’s abundance of natural resources.