End Term Assessment

I did not really know much about type aside from the basics I learned in Type 1 and the differences between typefaces. This class helped me learn to think more critically of typefaces and consider what uses type has as well as contrast between type. I loved having Tuan as a professor this semester but this class was grueling. “It” was using and formatting type which includes selecting typefaces, finding contrast, and massaging text. They fit together through similarities but enough contrast to be unique. I think I asked a lot of questions but answers were vague which I ended up misinterpreting sometimes. I personally believe I could’ve put in more practice time, but given my schedule this semester, it would’ve been near impossible to. I would’ve preferred more feedback with my Fulbright booklet because after looking at other people’s finished products, there are a lot of things I would’ve done differently. I was a part of class and desk crits but I benefitted most from desk crits because they were about my program specifically rather than ambiguity on what the program should have. My life is far from in order; I now have a boyfriend from here but goes to school in New York, I’m taking American Dilemmas, Graphic Design 2, and Image Methodology. I’m also moving into an apartment here in Austin and my parents are selling my childhood home and moving. The only thing that could improve Tuan’s class is free food. I have grown because I think I actually developed grit by dealing with a chaotic amount of assignments for all of my classes but still putting in a balanced effort into all of them. I’m much more proficient with After Effects than from the beginning when I knew nothing and that knowledge actually helped me with my Image Methodology project.

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