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100 Solutions: The Top 5

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These photos were decided upon by both my partner (the wonderful Yenifer) and myself to be a nice sampling of our best work. These photos represent a high degree of clarity, and hold some of the elements of design in their execution.Our subject was a jar of candy.

The first photograph makes use of space, with the clouds filling up the negative areas of the sky and drawing the viewer’s attention to the jar. Here we suggest the idea that it had been holding said cloud captive.

The second image makes use of line, using the planks of a wooden table to draw the eye from right to left along a diagonal path.Here the jar stands in as a sort of forgotten object; a relic from gathering’s past left to be taken away by what night brings.

The third picture also makes use of line, with the tree branches leading the viewer up the picture’s plane. It also suggests that the tree and the jar are one, placing it in the spot of nature.

The fourth image calls up images of ship-in-bottle projects and posits that the candy too can be admired from behind a glass prison. Space again is an element here, with horror vacui coming into play and allowing the jar to fill the picture almost entirely.

Lastly the fifth photograph gives the impression that the jar is a tipped over glass of some sort, with the candy being a liquid to stain a fine carpet irrevocably. Texture is a key element here, with the pattern of the cloth serving as the way to create it.

That’s all for this post; I hope you’ve enjoyed our photography!