VISU1311: Creativity Blog #5

I enjoyed watching this video, because I think it will help me with the collage project a lot. I’ve been trying to figure out how I want to approach the project and what items/scans will be best to print and work with. The video gave me some ideas on how the hone in on specifics and find a jumping off point. In my head, I’ve been thinking about how much the include and how the completely change all the image I use into one new image. In the video, Richards talked about how, when playing a guitar, each hand needs to be telling the same story. He emphasizes the harmony between how each hand works. I think that idea applies to the images I choose, in that I have to choose things that can say similar/complimentary things.

In the video, Richards also talks about the value of simplicity. He uses an painting analogy and says how young artist want to unnecessarily paint everything. This part was important for me to hear, because when I am not sure about a project, I think too big and want to do too much. It is a good reminding that simple work is not exactly simple – it is just minimal and can still be good. Just as much thought and effort can go into a minimal work as a complex one. This is an idea I will be keeping in mind while figuring out how to approach the collage project.

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