Blog Post #5

I am currently working on the inflatables project in Sculpture 1. The assignment was to create a large size sculpture by welding plastic together. Students had to think of designs using a concept that utilized the material as light and see through. I chose to do an abstracted piece and push what the material can be my trying to create something that appears harsh and heavy. I started by making a few brainstorm maps. I started with childhood and settled on nightmares as my topic. I struggled with nightmares as a child, and decided to encompass those feelings. My original idea was to do an abstracted sleeping head, but after presented in class, that idea was morphed to the nightmare itself. In my notes, I wrote that strong lines and large mass encompassed certain feelings associated with nightmares, such as fear.

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Part 2: Self Critique

For part 2 of this post, I chose to critique the above work as it is almost complete.


What is the strongest aspect of this work?

  • I think the strongest aspect is the form itself. I chose to try to push the material and make a soft, light material have a harsh element. Right now, that attempt is successful in two of my panel through the use of cones coming out of the main structure.

What is the weakest aspect?

  • There are a few craft issues with the structure due to patches being used to plug various hole that appeared while building.
  •  I am worried that the purpose of the sculpture may not come across. The original design went through a few renditions before being settled on the current look. I have rarely work with abstract figures before, and am not really sure how to judge the success of this work before it is inflated and set up.

How can the project be strengthened conceptually?

  • There are two sides of my structure that wish I approached differently. I was not nearly as intentional as I wanted to be when designing the pyramid structure for one panel. Looking back, I wish I was more consistent with my motifs and had continued the cone designs down the sides of the structure on all sides.

How can the project be strengthened technically?

  • I made a few mistakes welding early on. I did not know that I could use cardboard to cover areas of the plastic I did not want the iron to touch, so some areas I welded are not as clean as others. I also ripped a few holes in the structure and had to add a couple of patches that are very normal. I think that they may end up taking away from the form itself.



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