Blog Post #2


This week my schedule is slightly different from how my usual week is, because my Modern Art History class was cancelled two of the days. In general, I need to slow down and take more breaks. I worked myself too hard this week and was exhausted by the weekend. I always felt like I wasted time during the day, but when actually seeing how much time I spend in studio and doing written homework, I think that I can afford to take a few extra hours to myself during the day. When I wrote Chilling on the sheet, I mostly meant reading or browsing the internet. I definitely think it could be work cutting back an hour of sleep just to give myself a break to work on more personal projects or to be social, instead of just the small internet breaks I take now. In the end, I think it would leave me less stressed and less exhausted.

2013. Ink Pens on Bristol Paper.

Untitled. 2013. Ink Pens on Bristol Paper.

This drawing was done for a drawing class in high school. The assignment required using ink to show the transition between two objects. I chose to draw a figure and transfer a braid into water.

Pencil in marble notebook. 2009.

Random dude. Pencil in marble notebook. 2009.

I drew this when I was 11. I was inspired by the lyrics to a song by an emo band. I find the image hilarious, especially considering the amount of time it took me to draw this. I posted it online under the title “Random dude.”


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