Blog Post 5: Current Work and Critique

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The first photo is of a collage I made for my Visual Studies 1 class. The goal was to make 2 collages(only 1 posted) with at least 120 cut up pieces of an image and begin to learn how to understand Photoshop. To achieve this goal I played with the selection tools in Photoshop and once I was comfortable, I looked at the Pinterest page and found something I liked and created something similar with my take on it. I used one photo that had a building downtown and nature in the background. I selected the nature areas and copy and pasted to create the strips. I was hoping the sky with the clouds would add a bit of texture, but it really didn’t in my eyes and the different angles aren’t as noticeable as I had hoped it would be, so I will go back in and work on it to see if I can do that.

The second photo is the second to last step in a line inventory project done in Foundations of Art and Design. The basis of the projects was to learn how to use pens and get us to think about what we are drawing and how. I went about this my drawing all of the basic lines in the first round of the inventory then pushed it after filling the boxes in with black and using the Xacto knife to create white lines that go together like a puzzle. Part of the project once we had done 3 sets of line inventories was to gesture draw an object, create a sculpture of it, shine light through it and trace the shadows. In the positive or negative space, or both you filled it in with the lines from the line inventory. The photo above is my final product. I had sculpted a bike out of pipecleaners, so it wasn’t sturdy so it was hung to shine the light through it didn’t create a definite shape. The strongest aspect is the area filled with black, because that whole area is cut with the xacto knife to where the white underneath is showing. The weakest is that in some areas it looks cluttered and messy, so it isn’t as appealing in those areas.  To strengthen this I think I could have not drawn as many of the shadows to make tiny spaces and kept more bigger ones to the lines would be in a bigger space and more noticeable. Some of the places where I had cut out where so thin they actually tore and I wish I would have done it a little differently so it wouldn’t have done that, but I do love what I produced and the feedback I got was great. I enjoyed this project it truly pushed me, because I am used to working digitally, and I only do really quick sketches before I work digitally, so when I had weeks worth of things to draw and draw neatly if freaked me out at first, but I did enjoy it more than any other project I have had this year so far.