VISU 1100: Blog Post #6

Part 1: Complete the skills inventory & action plan questions below, and post to your blog.

SKILLS INVENTORY (copy and paste questions into your blog)

For each class ask yourself the following:

1My greatest strengths in ____visual studies 1____________ include: writing, have some knowledge of photoshop already

2For greater success in this course, I need to: practice my presentational skills

1My greatest strengths in ____Drawing 1____________ include: already have a background in drawing

2For greater success in this course, I need to: do my drawings well before their due date

1My greatest strengths in ____Visual Studies Seminar___________ include: writing

2For greater success in this course, I need to: continue to turn in my blog posts

1My greatest strengths in ____Rhetoric & Comp 2____________ include: writing skills, good reading comprehension

2For greater success in this course, I need to: write my essays before the due date

1My greatest strengths in ____The SIxties___________ include: writing, love history, have some knowledge of the time period already

2For greater success in this course, I need to: read the passages before class

1My greatest strengths in ____Speech 1___________ include: writing

2For greater success in this course, I need to: practice my presentational skills

Computer skills:

1My computer skills include: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge

2I still need to learn: Illustrator

Research & writing skills:

1My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: good rhetoric, large vocabulary, have done research multiple times, know MLA format and Chicago format

2I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: need to complete paper well before the due date, utilize the writing center

3I learn best & accomplish most when: I have time alone to complete my work


Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could.

Now make a list of 10 ways you could improve your performance in this class.

Speech 1

1. I could read the readings before each class.

2. I could create flash cards of the vocabulary.

3. I could complete my speech days before my presentation.

4. Practice with others beside my roommate.

5. I could participate in class more.

6. I could ask more questions.

7. Read my notes after class.

8. I could set time aside to work on my speech each day.

9. I could find a study buddy.

10. I could volunteer to go first rather than wait.