Post 4

Part 1: The presentations shown during last class were fairly interesting. Each of the presenters showed off something different the other ones didn’t. The contents of the presentation on photograph was a very interesting bit perspective. I really liked the designs that were presented by the graphic design presentation and that bit about talking to aliens was really entertaining. The video game presentation, however spoke to me the most. It was nice to know all the different types of people where who make games.

Part 2: Tumblr is a very fun, accessible website for me. I appreciate how all one has to do is log into the site and start scrolling down to look at all of the things that have been uploaded. Steam is where I like to do most of my gaming. Its a little hub that handles a lot of different video games from different publishers. Cytube is a fun website that allows you to watch synchronized videos with other people online. These videos can be from youtube, dailymotion, google drive, and from anywhere else you can grab a direct video really. Its a very fun website for when you just want to watch something with some friends you have online. Tvtropes is an interesting site where one can read about common patterns in all forms of media. The site is all inclusive, so it includes pretty much everything from books to video games and everything in between. It’s managed like a slightly less serious Wikipedia, so content is typically uploaded with a sense of humor.

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