Internships 101: Bursting A Few Myths

Internships are not mandatory, and many youths still believe that it is good only for people who would be associated with some specific industry. Hence, there are tons of myths about interning that we still think of as facts. For example, it is not just for people of one specific field, science and arts students can get very good internship opportunities if they look real hard. Several websites offer internships for arts and science jobs. Let’s bust a few more myths regarding internships!

Volunteering Or Unpaid Positions Are Not Worth It

We have the common misconception that if it is not a paid position you are not supposed to take your job seriously. But remember that it is conceived by us. Companies do not think likewise. Paid or unpaid, work is work! And when you are working with other professionals you are learning something new every day. Many NGO have unpaid internships, as they cannot afford to pay everyone because of their low budget. But if you work for them, you will end up learning a lot. Remember, paid or unpaid, companies and organizations will always present you with a work experience certificate which will add to your resume and give you something to talk about when you go for your first real job interview.

Interning Is A Casual Job Position

This is probably believed by most people, which is the reason they don’t take interning seriously. And, that might be the biggest career mistake you can ever make. If you think intern is a casual position, you will behave in any way you want. You might come to the office late, you might not dress professionally, or you might use your phone and check social media during work hours – if you think being an intern you can do any of these, then you are very wrong! When you start as an intern, you need to behave like a professional and follow the code of conduct at the office.

Internships Always Lead To A Full-Time Job

Being an intern at a company doesn’t mean they will hire you for sure. Internships do lead to permanent job positions but there is no guarantee. It depends on several factors that include the kind of vacancy available at the company at that time and the quality of work done by you as an intern. You can use the skills and capabilities learned during the internship and leverage the experience certificate given by one company and get a lucrative offer from another.

 One Should Intern Only With Known Companies

When the world is abuzz with various kinds of startups, it is wrong to assume that interning for established companies only is good. On the contrary, working for small companies means that you can learn more. Small companies have a friendlier culture that will help you adapt to professional life easily as well.

Internships can be a great learning experience which can be fun too. Make the most of it and pave your path for achieving your goals.

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