Overall, this course was a pretty interesting one. This course was fun to be apart of because all of the instructors have their own distinct characteristics and humor that made every class unpredictable, yet, entertaining at the same time. However, while there were plenty of special guest speakers that were relevant to my interests and major, I felt like some of them did not pertain to me which caused me to sometimes lose interest. But this class gave me a better perspective of what is to come and a brief introduction to upcoming courses and professors which excites me very much. I’m looking forward to experiencing more about the professional world of visual studies while also learning key components to help me get there!
Month: November 2016
Nov. 21 Class Crit
I am feeling a lot better about what I have created now opposed to when I first started off. I have a 5 X 5 24 pages with most of my ideas already completed. However, I still need to work on cutting crisper edges, coming up with a title/covers, retaking pictures that seem off, and making final edits. I plan on working on all of my major changes over Thanksgiving break.
Blog Post #11
Part 1: Based on the notes you took during class, write a brief description and response to each of the Faculty presentations.
-Bill: I think Bill is one of the most skilled visual artists I have ever experienced learning from. Bill said a lot of his work comes from revamping natural images into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that can never be duplicated even if he tried. He is a great teacher and always encourages students be the best artist we can be and to always try our best in all that we do.
-Hollis: Hollis spoke a lot about “combining images and text” which was vividly expressed expressed in her masterpieces. The aesthetic of some of her work revolved around devastation or natural disasters and turning them into something visually pleasing, despite the paradoxical manner of the artwork.
-Alexandra: It was interesting to me that Alexandra focuses on perception and how we see things. I also noticed that she started to make prettier work after she had children. I love forward to having her as my professor next semester.
-Tammy: Tammy’s work was, in my opinion, the most incredible because it had a great over-arching focus– balancing what was known vs unknown and what is handmade vs industrial. Her artwork was beautiful and simply stunning.
-Vitone: His photographs captured a lot of aesthetic and grand scenery of the Western life. Much of it did not pertain to me nor my interests, but he is a very talented photographer.
Part 2: Create a 5-year plan. What are your long term goals beyond college? What do you need to do to accomplish those goals?
In five years, i picture myself working in a local graphic design incorporation. From the knowledge and experience I gain there, I ultimately would love to be apart of Disney’s Imagineer Team, where I can contribute some of my graphic design skills into some of their most fascinating work. Or, I would like to work for a book publishing incorporation where I can help design children’s books or a children’s animation studio like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network and do graphic design work there. Those are my biggest dreams that I hope to one day achieve. I plan on getting there through furthering my education as much as I can, taking classes in all aspects to gain experience, and intern at local places to get a feel for the job.
Nov. 14 Thumbnail
I decided to make combine the Lego realm and collage it with the real world, which my particular location is Lady Bird Lake. My sequence is not complete yet because I am still waiting for a few more lego pieces to arrive, take more pictures of them, learn how to add text, etc. so I can make it about 20 pages long, but this is what I have so far. I am looking forward to revisiting and re-editing my book but I am proud of the progress I have made.
Blog Post #10
1.) The CEO, Bryant, and Eva all had very interesting information to present to the class which could technically pertain to visual students of all majors. I learned that there are so many concepts and key components that actually go into the process which really interested me. Bryant, in particular, really emphasized the importance of structure and development, while Eva explored the more creative and artsy side of game-designing.
2.) A lot of the faculty here at St. Edwards are visual geniuses and experts in their given field. Did they all stat from ground zero like many current freshmen, or did they come into college with a good background?
How long did it take them to reach their peak/greatness?
Nov 7th Critique
So far, I am feeling somewhat confused and indecisive as to whether or not I still want to stick with my idea. I haven’t taken many pictures because other ideas I have in mind do not include anything similar to those pictures, which is why there are so little of them. I am still learning how to print, upload pictures, and use Lightroom and InDesign, but it is all part of the process. contact-sheet
Blog Post #9
1.) Matt Lankes was such an interesting and successful man who has a strong passion for what he does for a living. Personally, his success and career are ultimately goals I have for myself and that I would like to achieve one day. In his discussion, he talked about how he was able to experience traveling and learning about global cultures and how he got the chance to take many remarkable photographs of some very famous people. I hope to be as happy and successful as him one day because he seems as if he wakes up everyday in a good mood because it means he will continue to make his living off of something he deeply loves to do.
2.) These are some internships that I would be interested in participating in because they can benefit my creativity while also introducing me into a potentially desirable workplace.