The continuation of my Barton Creek identity project ended with a big finale: the brand film. The purpose was to convey in a little over two minutes the identity that I had developed for the Greenbelt – a place for exploration – and to not only create a narrative for it, but also to demonstrate basic brand visuals. I actually based this video off of another part of this project, an AR app that would visually guide the user to places in the Greenbelt based on categories,  including climbing, swimming, and hiking. I based the narrative off of these three categories, adding visual elements to the trails that follow each person. I used them to both designate which category of trails the person is following, and to make my visual brand of the Greenbelt clear to the viewer. Given more time I probably would work out some jumpy camera work and animation, but I feel like this film follows a fairly clear narrative and easily demonstrates the Greenbelt’s visual identity as a place to explore.