This was a flowchart project! It’s a fairly simple idea: make a decision map that guides the viewer through a series of choices that answer one question, and end with multiple solutions. We specifically had to graphically display the various choices, the information that went into making those decisions, and then graphically represent the results. Unfortunately I don’t think I incorporated enough graphics to guide the viewer through the decisions solely on symbols. I chose a topic that involves a lot of information that usually could only be conveyed through text, although through the making of it I really tried to narrow the choices down to a couple of words and a symbol for each choice. I also drew a lot of the choices from prior knowledge that not a lot of people know, so I had to be really aware of that when deciding what to include. I used round decision points because of the many directions that each point could take. These round points then led to the underwater theme that makes up my whole flowchart, and really accentuates the theme: seafood.